- achromatopsia
- мед. ахроматопсия
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
Achromatopsia — Classification and external resources A person with complete achromatopsia would see only black, white and shades of grey. Additionally, the image would usually be blurry in brighter light (in the brightest light, effectively invisible) but would … Wikipedia
achromatopsia — Also referred to as monochromatism, monochromatopsia, and total colour blindness. The term achromatopsia comes from the Greek words achromatos (colourless) and opsis (seeing). It refers to the inability or strongly diminished ability to… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Achromatopsia — An hereditary disorder of sight due to a lack of cone vision that type of vision provided by the cone photoreceptors in the retina. In the normal eye, there are some 6 million cone photoreceptors; they are located largely in the center of the… … Medical dictionary
achromatopsia — /ay kroh meuh top see euh/, n. Pathol. color blindness (def. 2). Also, achromatopia /ay kroh meuh toh pee euh/, achromatopsy /ay kroh meuh top see/. [A 6 + CHROMAT + OPSIA] * * * … Universalium
achromatopsia — noun achromatopia … Wiktionary
achromatopsia — achro·ma·top·sia … English syllables
achromatopsia — n. the inability to differentiate different shades of colour. Such complete colour blindness is very rare and is usually associated with poor visual acuity, nystagmus, and sensitivity to bright light. It is usually determined by hereditary… … The new mediacal dictionary
achromatopsia — n. colour blindness, where only white, grey and black are visible … Dictionary of difficult words
achromatopsia — |āˌkrōməˈtäpsēə noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from achromat + opsia : a visual defect marked by total color blindness the colors of the spectrum being seen in tones of white gray black … Useful english dictionary
achromatopsia, achromatopsy — This is the compete form of a., characterized by severe deficiency of color perception, associated with nystagmus, photophobia, reduced visual acuity, and “day blindness”; autosomal recessive inheritance, caused by … Medical dictionary
Cerebral achromatopsia — is a type of color blindness that is caused by damage to the cerebral cortex of the brain, rather than abnormalities in the cells of the eye s retina. It is often confused with congenital achromatopsia.[1] Cerebral achromatopsia differs because… … Wikipedia